FSX Airspeed Ambassador MK2 BEA Package (G-ALZO)


The Airspeed Ambassador was designed in 1943 to replace aircraft such as the Douglas DC3, similar to the roll of the Fokker 27. Only 23 were built, and 6 of them were damaged beyond repair in incidents (Mostly during Takeoff and Landing). This aircraft (G-ALZO) was delivered to BEA in November 1952. It moved on to the Royal Jordan Airforce in 1960, then Dan-Air London in 1963. The aircraft is now on display at IWM Duxford (EGSU). This package represents ALZO as if it were painted in BEA's most common livery. Model by Robert Richardson. Textures by David. Includes a fully functional VC and sounds that suit the engine type.
